24、Qian Xihong, Xu Wanli(通讯作者), Li Kongyue. Do entrepreneurial social networks boost enterprises growth? Evidence from the Pearl River Delta of China. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2010年第3期.(季刊)
25、Xu Wanli, Qian Xihong. The Structural Model of China’s Corporate Strategy Execution. 2008 International Workshop on Strategy and Marketing(WSM 2008).Hong Kong.(ISSHP收录)
26、Xu Wanli, Qian Xihong. Upgrading Organizational Capabilities Through Dynamic Capabilities. The Sixth National Conference on Management of Technology in China. Zhengzhou Henan.(ISSHP收录)
27、Qian Xihong, Xu Wanli.Do Entrepreneurial Social Networks Boost Enterprises Growth? 2009 International Conference on Strategic Management. Sichuan Jiuzhai Valley.(ISSHP收录)