2021-09-25 16:25:24


讲座题目:What should other developing countries learn from China's

   development experience?



   Zoom link: https://umich.zoom.us/j/94145035979    


主讲嘉宾:洪源远    密歇根大学政治学系副教授

主持嘉宾:万晓宏    新黄金城667733教授

评论嘉宾:倪    星    新黄金城667733教授

  王金红    新黄金城667733教授






A Singaporean and PhD graduate of Stanford University, Yuen Yuen Ang is an associate professor and China scholar at the University of Michigan.  She is the author of How China Escaped the Poverty Trap (中国如何跳出贫困陷阱) and more recently China's Gilded Age (中国的镀金时代). She is the inaugural recipient of the Theda Skocpol Prize, awarded by the American Political Science Association for “impactful empirical, theoretical and/or methodological contributions to the study of comparative politics.” Her work on Chinese development is frequently presented at international organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, OECD, and featured in a range of media outlets, including CGTN, Xinhua, and Foreign Affairs.


What should other developing countries learn from China's development experience? In this lecture, I share findings from How China Escaped the Poverty Trap (中国如何跳出贫困陷阱) as well as reactions to this book from audiences in various developing countries, ranging from South East Asia to Africa. Most observers are fixated with the question of whether or not "the China model" can be copied elsewhere. I argue that this question is wrong. Learning is not copying. Other developing countries should learn two important principles from China's experience and adapt it their own national contexts - without blind copying. These two principles are: directed improvisation (引导创变) and using what you have (有什么用什么)