2023-02-02 09:29:00


Name: Huangwei Gao 


Position: Associate Professor of Department of Education Economics and Administration


Educational Background:

Ph.D from South China Normal University in 2017;

post-doctoral researcher at University of British Columbia, Canada from 2017 to 2018


Teaching Courses:

For undergraduate students: Public Relations; School Management; Frontier of Teacher Education Policy; Effective Instruction Management

For graduate students: Scientific Research Methods of Education; Topics on Education Policy; Theory and Practice of School Improvement

For doctoral students: Frontier and Methodology of International Chinese Language Education 


Research Fields: education administration, teacher education, comparative education, international Chinese language education, Southeast Asia research


Research Projects:

1. Investigation and suggestions on Chinese language education in Latvia, by the Ministry of Education of PRC, 2021.

2. Research on the status quo, problems and development of Chinese language education for Southeast Asian countries Under The Belt and Road Initiative, by the Ministry of Education of PRC, 2020.

3. How to set up the Chinese international schools, by the Ministry of Education of PRC, 2019.

4. Research on the construction of teacher training system in Guangdong province, by the Philosophy and social Science planning for Guangdong Province, 2018.


Selected Publications:


H.W. Gao. (2020). A comparative study of TCSOL and TESOL teacher training model in China and U.S.A. Beijing: Science Press.

     2. Articles:

H.W. Gao*, Zh.N. Cai, J. Wu.(2022). What Influences the Self-Educational Expectations of China’s Migrant Children in the Post-Pandemic Era, Sustainability, 14.

H.W. Gao.(2022).International Chinese Teacher Education: Evolution and Characteristics, Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science), 24(06), 134-140.

H.W. Gao.(2022).The Construction of International Chinese Teacher Education is Imminent, The Chinese Journal of Social Sciences, 2022-04-13(006).

G.F. Li, H.W. Gao*.(2021).An Equity Perspective on Chinese (CSOL) Teacher Preparation for Global Contexts: Domestic and International Preservice Teachers’ Experiences, Beijing International Review of Education, 3, 462-486.

H.W. Gao, J.Wu.(2021).Improving the Mechanism for Building High-quality Foreign-related Think Tanks, The Chinese Journal of Social Sciences,2021-08-05(002).

H.W. Gao.(2020).The Characteristics, Contributions and Limitations of Narrative Research Methodology in Education Research, Research in Educational Development, 40(04), 24-31.

H.W. Gao.(2019).On Comparative Historical Analysis and the Development of Comparative Education Discipline, International and Comparative Education, 41(09):52-59.

H.W. Gao.(2018).The Development Trend of International Chinese Language Teacher Education in the new Era, The Chinese Journal of Social Sciences, 2018-02-01(004).

H.W. Gao.(2017).Opening a new Journey of Chinese Language Talent Training in Southeast Asia in the new era, The Chinese Journal of Social Sciences, 2017-12-07(006).

Z.M. Ma, H.W. Gao*.(2016).On the Evolution and Transformation of Value Orientations of General Education in Universities, Educational Research, 37(04),52-60.

H.W. Gao, J.Wu.(2016).Chinese Talents Training in Southeast Asia Under “The Belt and Road”Initiative: A Case Study of AIFC, International and Comparative Education, 38(12):31-37.

H.W. Gao, J.Wu.(2016).An Analysis of General Education Curriculum Models in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Studies in Foreign Education, 43(06):68-80.


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